Rosslyn Academy is a vibrant community located on 40 acres of land in Nairobi’s beautiful diplomatic suburb of Gigiri, approximately one mile from the UN complex and the US embassy. Rosslyn has a rich history of over 75 years as a school. Those who attended Rosslyn in its beginning years would hardly recognize the campus, but the purpose and mission of the school remain the same. That mission is to inspire and equip each student to develop their God-given gifts for Christ-like service in the world community.
WELCOME TO Rosslyn Academy
Rosslyn Academy inspires and equips each student to develop their God given gifts for Christ like service in the world community.
different nations
staff members
years as a school

Imitating Jesus Christ in all that we do and say as individuals and as a school.

Cultivating a welcoming and supportive family of diverse members united behind the school s mission.

Intellectual Virtues
Developing God-honoring thinking habits that result from an earnest pursuit of truth consistent with Scripture.

Maximizing God-given gifts and talents, as individuals and as a school, to His honor.

Modeling Christ's example of selfless support of others.