This aim is at the heart of the school culture and animates the other four Core Values – Excellence, Service, Intellectual Virtue, and Community. As a community of imperfect people, Rosslyn does not presume to have “arrived.” And yet, whether wrestling with new concepts in the classroom, giving 100% for teammates on the sports field, or pursuing the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, the goal is the imitation of Christ.

Imitating Jesus Christ in all we do and say as individuals and as a school.

Cultivating a welcoming and supportive family of diverse members united behind the school’s mission.
This core value comes out of our unique history. Rosslyn is a partnership between three mission agencies who, despite their theological differences, are unified behind a commitment to excellence in education, the core beliefs of orthodox Protestant Christianity, and a desire to see people from every nation and culture come to know Jesus. Today, the community at Rosslyn is a living picture of our global village, being made up of families from over fifty different nations.

Developing God-honoring thinking habits that result from an earnest pursuit of truth consistent with Scripture.
We believe that education must be concerned with both what a student learns (content and skills) and how they learn (the habits of learning that make up their intellectual character). We want our students to become people who love God and others, not only in external behaviors but through thinking that is consistently courageous, careful, curious, tenacious, fair-minded, humble, and honest.

Maximizing God-given gifts and talents, as individuals and as a school, to His honor.
We believe that God uniquely gifts every person who is a part of this community, and it is our responsibility to help develop and extend these gifts in the service of God and others. Our commitment to being good stewards of the gifts God has given us translates into a holistic education, where artistic, athletic, social, and spiritual gifts are developed alongside the intellect.

Modeling Christ’s example of selfless support of others.
Service takes multiple practical forms at Rosslyn (the Cultural Field Studies program, the Christmas Project, class service projects, etc.). However, our aim is not to create an impressive service program but to become a community where service is simply a natural outgrowth of who we are. (1 John 3:16-18)