Rosslyn Academy provides a world-class Christian education to the international community in Nairobi, Kenya. We offer a complete American College Preparatory curriculum that aims to nurture lifelong learners in preparation for higher education and future careers in ministry and missions, government, research, medicine, education, development, the arts, and more.
High School
Rosslyn Academy’s High School offers a full college preparatory curriculum within the American school system. The staff are dedicated teachers who come with a genuine desire to educate and to serve. A high focus on academic excellence is placed across all core subjects — Science, Math, English, and Social Studies — providing freshman through senior-level courses in each core area.
Additionally, there is an extensive Advanced Placement (AP) program that allows students to take college-level courses and earn college credit through a rigorous study and exam process. Rosslyn Academy has one of the largest and most successful AP programs in Africa. It has been invaluable for students seeking entrance to competitive universities.

High School students can participate in a wide range of inter-school sports teams. Rosslyn competes as a member of the KAIS Sports League (Kenya Association of International Schools). We also participate in an annual sports tournament through the International Christian Schools of Africa – which includes sister schools such as Bingham Academy (Ethiopia), HOPAC (Tanzania), Dakar Academy (Senegal), and Heritage International School (Uganda), among others. The annual ICSA tournament is hosted in a different location each year.
The Rosslyn sports calendar is divided into three separate seasons and fields over 20 different teams. Most sports have a varsity and a junior varsity squad, which allows for greater participation and assists with developing younger players for tougher competition at the varsity level. Rosslyn competes in girls’ and boys’ football, basketball, cross country, volleyball, field hockey, rugby, swimming, water polo and tennis.
Over half of the high school student body participates in at least one sport. Rosslyn has a rich tradition of success on the fields of competition, which is reflected by the many banners that hang from the gymnasium ceiling. Yet, while Rosslyn plays to win, our focus on developing the body, mind, and soul of the student-athlete means that how the students play matters to us even more than the final score. The coaching staff works to develop Christian character and sportsmanship in our athletes. Rosslyn encourages athletic participation not only because of the joy it brings to those involved but also because it teaches virtues such as discipline, determination, commitment to others, and teamwork.

Spiritual Life
The integration of faith and learning is an essential component of Rosslyn’s core values and mission. A wide range of opportunities for spiritual growth are available and encouraged for Rosslyn Academy High School students inside and outside the classroom. Each student participates in Christian Religious Education (CRE) courses each year of attendance. A variety of age-appropriate courses provide opportunities for students to interact with the Bible and to understand the teachings of Christianity better.
Students also attend weekly chapel services, which are designed to teach, disciple, and encourage those who already have a personal relationship with Christ while inspiring and drawing to faith those of other faith backgrounds. In addition, each year, the high school dedicates a week to spiritual formation and learning. This week is called Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW). During this week, guest speakers challenge students to evaluate their spiritual lives and to dedicate themselves more fully to God’s purposes for their lives. Finally, faculty members are committed believers who provide a devotional time and prayer at the start of each school day. Students also have the opportunity to participate in discipleship groups. These small groups work to challenge the students to grow in Christian knowledge and faith, to be accountable to each other, and to serve one another.
Fine and Applied Arts
Participation in the arts is a key component to providing a well-rounded student experience. Students at Rosslyn Academy have many opportunities to participate in the arts, including performing, visual, and applied arts.
Outside of class, students also have many opportunities to participate in the arts. The theater department stages two drama productions each year, a play in November and a musical in April. Months of practice and preparation culminate in multiple nights of sold-out shows that speak to the quality of the acting and production.
Finally, students have the opportunity to take private voice or instrument lessons and participate in chapel worship bands.
At Rosslyn, we are intentional about instilling the value of service in our students. Each year, students at each grade level participate in service projects and field trips. These opportunities allow students to get out into different areas of Kenya and give them the opportunity to help and work alongside local people for a common goal or purpose.
One of the highlights of each school year is a one-week field placement in locations all across Kenya. The Cultural Field Studies program emphasizes cultural experience, education, and service. Activities such as living in a rural community or painting a local church or school building help connect students to the Kenya beyond Nairobi while fostering a broader understanding of the world community. Please visit our Service Learning page for more details.