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Where is Rosslyn located?

Rosslyn Academy is located in Nairobi’s beautiful diplomatic suburb of Gigiri, approximately one mile from the UN complex and the US embassy.

What is the average class size?

20 students per class.

Where do Rosslyn graduates go for university?

Over 95% of Rosslyn graduates go on to pursue higher education, with most choosing universities in the US, Canada, and the UK. Rosslyn Alumni can currently be found at a wide variety of schools, including some of the world’s most highly regarded universities.

How international is the Rosslyn student body?

Very. Our student body is wonderfully diverse, including students from over 50 different countries and every continent (except Antarctica).

What nationalities have the largest representation in the student body?

American students make up the largest demographic (40%), followed by our host country of Kenya (25%), Korea (10%), and Canada (5%). The remaining 20% come from nations representing virtually every corner of the planet.

What curriculum does Rosslyn follow?

Rosslyn follows a North American Curriculum, including the Advanced Placement Program (AP) in the high school.

How qualified and experienced are Rosslyn's academic staff?

Rosslyn is proud of its team of teachers. Every teacher at Rosslyn is certified, and nearly 60% of Rosslyn’s academic staff have advanced degrees (a Master’s degree or above). Most teachers who arrive at Rosslyn do so with significant prior teaching experience in American curriculum schools. And, once they arrive at Rosslyn, they typically stay for an extended period.

Unlike most international schools whose teacher turnover rate is above 15%, Rosslyn’s turnover is usually around 10%. The average tenure among our academic staff is 7.7 years.

How many students does Rosslyn have?

Total enrollment at Rosslyn is typically around 670 students. The Preschool program is made up of two half-day classes with a maximum of 12 students each. In the Elementary School there are two classes per grade with an average class size of 20 students.

In the Middle School and High School there are 60 and 65 students per grade level respectively. The average number of students per class is 20 students in both Middle School and High School. AP classes and other specialized courses often have smaller class sizes.

What is Rosslyn's mission?

Our mission is to inspire and equip each student to develop their God-given gifts for Christ-like service in the world community.

What are Rosslyn's core values?

Our Core Values are: Christ-likeness, Excellence, Intellectual Virtue, Community, and Service.

Is Rosslyn accredited?

Yes, Rosslyn is accredited by the Middle States Association (MSA), as well as the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

In addition Rosslyn is a member of the following organizations: AP/College Board, Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA), and the Child Safety Protection Network (CSPN).